Sunday 1st November at 1pm.
A chara,
You are invited to our Annual General Meeting in the clubrooms Sunday 1st November at 1pm after 12noon mass at St Teresa's Church. This is the most important meeting that the Club will have during the year and your involvement is crucial to its success.
In 2016 the Club Committee will be made up of 11 comprised members which will have defined roles – an outline description of each role can be found on the club website.
I now invite nominations for positions on the Club Committee and notice of any advanced motions or recommendations that you would like to be considered for adoption at the AGM.
The consent of the persons being nominated should be obtained in advance.
Please note that motions and recommendations will only be considered from fully paid up members.
Please return before Wednesday 28th October 2015.
Is mise
Pilib Mag Uidhir
Phil Maguire
58 Norfolk Drive
BT11 8AF