the deadline to buy & return National Draw Tickets is fast approaching. Can all members please make the effort to return any outstanding tickets asap to Club Treasurer Danny Maguire (07773035149) by 23rd March
Tickets are £15 a ticket with all members encouraged to buy or sell a book of 4.
Tickets are £15 a ticket with all members encouraged to buy or sell a book of 4.
The Club keep 100% of the ticket sales, there is no financial cost to us as all costs of tickets and prizes are covered by Central Council.
In addition to keeping all proceeds any club who sells a minimum of 200 tickets automatically goes into a draw to win €1,000.
There are some fantastic prizes on offer such as the potential to win €50,000 or premium tickets for the All Ireland Finals so please take this opportunity to support the club. More information on the prizes can be found at the link below.